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Humble Strength Through Endurance and Struggle

  My Great Grandma's 114 Birthday is today.  I shared this picture and was told; I look a lot like her which was very humbling. Edith Opal Rankin Goodwin was a homesteader, Mom to eight, Grandma, Great Grandma, Great Great Grandma and loved by her community in South Dakota. Her little green house, tiny yard and garden and barn full of chickens, peacocks and other birds, little dining room table. the picture of the shepherd dog and baby lamb and chocolate chip cookies in the ice cream bucket was the embodiment of her. Humble strength found in the deep roots of a committed heart and soul.   She committed to stay in the land her and her family came to by covered wagon. She stayed in the values her family lived by. She stayed in her marriage to a imperfect man, in her little house during the depression raising eight children by the skin of her teeth.  When her twins were killed in a drunk driving accident and her children were dispersed like milk weed seeds she stayed.  When her loneli
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